Annual Conference of Highest Courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina: “Right to a Reasoned Decision – Compulsory Standard in Proceedings before the

15.11.2017, 08:55

The annual conference titled “Right to a Reasoned Decision – Compulsory Standard in Proceedings before the Court” was held in Sarajevo on 6 and 7 November 2017, in the framework of the judicial forum for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main topics discussed by the participants included the standards set forth in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) in relation to the right to a reasoned judicial decision as a key element of the right to a fair trial.


Around 60 representatives of the highest judicial institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina discussed the case law of courts in BiH in the context of these standards, with the aim of improving the quality of judicial decisions, legal certainty and protection of individual rights in BiH.

Forum’s objective was to improve cooperation between the highest judicial institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, harmonize the case law and bring it in compliance with the European standards in order to provide for the legal security of all citizens.

The judicial forum was organized by the AIRE Centre (Advice on Individual Rights in Europe), with the help of the British Government, while the co-organizers were the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the BiH High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council.


The delegation of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina consisted of the Court of BiH President, Registrar and judges.